Not much has happened so far. MG wise I've pratted around doing nothing spectacular.
Well that's not exactly true.
I did set to to fit the inner wheelarch a few weeks ago. If you remember it was a panel I needed and was one of several bought as a birthday prezzie from MGB hive.
Anyways, I did all the correct things and lined it up, marked it + 1/2 inch and cut to the desired shape. Cut away the rusty wheelarch inboard of the 1/2 line.
I then set to attaching the wing, all well and good.
I spent the next few days(nay weeks) trying to get the inner wheelarch to fit the shape of the wheel arch and align front and back.
Impossible, so I left it for a further few days.
Then one bright and sunny Saturday I attacked it with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.
Gawd............................I know why it don't fit......................its the wrong side!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I had actually been given a RH side when I needed a left. No wonder in didn't fit.
I've not told wifey yet........No need really since I can use the panel for the RH side , but all in good time.
What I have done is welded the wing around the B post seam/door and sill area.
See Below..............................
I know the gap between the sill and b post base is a little large, but, well there really is no answer. When taking off the old sill the gap was even larger, I remember distinctly seeing all the lead loading ( Yes Lead Loading) running away as I ground through it. So It must have been made that way at good old Abingdon ( Swindon actually is where the bodies were assembled)
The front wing gap at the same spot is also same size.............WE really did know how to build cars, eh !
The gap is now full of the dreaded filler ( No I,m not going to spend several months learning how to lead load) and its waiting to dry as I write this.
I did go a bit mad with the filler and covered several spot weld and the rear wing top beading seam. So next post will be all about sanding filler........maybe.