Tuesday, July 28, 2009

wheel clean

So another post, in fact two in a week. Must be a record.
Actually wifeys painting kitchen door and I've just cut the grass and done two sets of taxi -ing( Depositing kids where they want to go) so I had an hour or so pottering with the MG.

There were two reasons I tackled the spare wheel.

1/. Each time I venture into the shed at the bottom of the garden ( frequently) I see the forlorn spare wheel resting gently against the fence by the shed door. It sits there gathering leaves and fir debris as well as pine cones and general crud. Its still well inflated after years, and has been subject to a pretty poor refurb some time in its past.

2/. During said taxi-ing I deposited old newspapers in the town centre car park recycling bins. There opposite parked on the road was a lovely Red BGT with black roof, "T reg" and looking splendid with shiny Rostyle wheels.

So despite the plans I had originally made ( Fix hole in tailgate gutter & red lead floors) I set to with the wire brush in angle grinder.
Here are the before pictures.

Then some time later, after a visit to local motor factors ( I needed more primer and new goggles) a newish looking wheel was beginning to emerge.


A little panic set in since no sooner had I finished the outside wheel to nice an almost chrome-ish finish the clouds came over very black and it started spitting with rain. So wifey was pressed into service shaking the can for the regulation 2 minutes ( She's excellent at making a noise) whilst I tidied the tools away and got the car cover/s back on loosely.
Only a few spots fell and I managed to get a good coverage of primer on as you can see.
Its by no means the finished article yet. I just wanted to see how far I could go without removing the tyre. In fact very far. The tyres whilst fully inflated and kept that way for the last three years, need replacing as the sidewalls are all cracked. I did manage to mangle the valve a little
with some not so subtle touches from the grinder/wire brush anyways.
The plan is when new boots all around are required for the m.o.t they will be removed then the wheels can be prepped and spray painted the correct silver and black with a clear lacquer for good measure. I'm not sure yet if i will attach some chrome surrounds for the wheels. I may have to depending how happy I am with my efforts at wheel re-finishing.
I also bought some correct type fuel hose and attached it to the pump & fuel tank unit.
Gosh wash it tough. Its very thick and the hole seemed very small compared to its wall thickness. Even after a good steep in boiling water ( whilst I cleaned kitchen floor, ahemmm
I spilt a whole cup onto the floor attempting to carry the hose in cup + my own coffee)
So. twenty minutes later the hose was on and I,m ready for fuel.
Not yet really, I need to weld the gutter patch directly above filler spout in boot.
But soon............................very soon !

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Admiralty, Enemy, Rival, Fallen & Angel..............

All follow or proceed ARCH(ES) .......................( OK the last one stretched it a bit )

Before we go further........I passed all my exams................Yippee !!

So Arches, or arch to be precise. I've finally finished the patchwork quilt of welding the lip of the arch inner - outer section. It was a swine. The main problem being the wheel hub right in the most awkward place imaginable. Your head needs to be there to see what you are doing and get out of the way of all the falling crud ( and grinding sparks and welding sparks). Its very difficult to get a head covered with welding mask in there and weld. It was managed albeit with some bird poo type welding in parts, lots and lots of stray sparks behind the mask ( it makes you leap around a bit) head wedged and stuck in position, mouths full of 32 year old crud and sparks falling onto your arms and chest. Yes they hurt too.

As proof see the photos below, labelled looking out from the ( left rear) arch.

Bear in mind the camera was easy to position as its small. My head+welding mask is not.
I,m rather proud of this and the composite layout ( done in paint) .
You will see in the centre the view of the tailgate section. Yes it still is a shed/tool storage space since I've long since run out of storage locations.
However, most of it will be spirited away somewhere whilst I work on the floors inside.
Bodywork wise its just about done. There is one 50p piece hole in the top RH corner of the tailgate gutter ??? and a pencil sized hole just under the rear screen rubber at the 5 o'clock position with a little more underlying rust ,so the rear windscreen is coming out soon. The rubber surround is awful anyway, very brittle and scabby. The chrome trim will be cut out, polished up and re-used.
Methinks that with a respray its imperative to have new front/rear rubbers ( fitted after respray, obviously)

AND, to continue the good news a small windfall from the tax man has allowed me some cash for the next stage. What shall be the next stage ?. I guess I must attach the fuel tank, fuel line and work on getting the engine turning over at least. This part worries me as I see it as a potentially frustrating part. Auto electrics, carb balancing, mixture adjustment all will play a part in the life of one happyish student Radiographer over summer.
Since the money is there and not needed for the above work I guess I may buy Poly bushes for the front suspension, and give each side a overhaul and refurb. I have a pair of lower springs bought on e-bay last year (£ 5/pair, if i remember correctly).

So, I must fit for now, the accelerator pedal and cable, but first wire brush the floors and red lead them.

Soon, with a little luck I may be able to drive it under its own power..............oh joy oh joy.

Bad news is wifeys on D.I.Y overdrive with the cash windfall. So far I've painted the bathroom ( twice) and toilet. She's offered to paint the kitchen. This is a sneaky feminine tactic. She's terrible at painting but denies it. However she knows I will offer to do it after making a bo****ks of her first attempt. In fact she visited B&Q.....!! EVERY DAY!! this week for one thing or another ( matchpots x 30,0000, bathmat, wallpaper [ not purchased, painted existing instead, twice] paving [n/p], look at bathroom suites, brushes.........I eventually refused to visit the last time, instead feigning a headache from all the paint fumes........two can play that game !!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello All

Big delay in posting. Simple reason really. I've been swatting for my exams. What with that and the recent hot/sunny spell my mind has been elsewhere.
The exams are over and boy were they tough. The hardest part though is the waiting for the results. At least another week yet posted on the Uni website.

After a bit of DIY ( Bathroom painting) the wifey decided the colours wrong. Damn.
I spent the whole of one rather hot and sunny day ( yesterday, my first official day off) getting it done for when she returned. Only to find out she now wants the walls painting since they don't quite match the new paint. I might add at this point we BOTH agreed on the colour, even if we did buy it several months ago.
Of course in my life there has to be some engineered Ying & Yang, so I spent today welding on the MG with a sulky face whenever wifey appeared. I tackled the last inner, outer wing part.
I had started to use an new VW repair section cut up into sections. This is working well, however grinding the inner wheelarch with the wheel hub in the way is a real pain. Still most of it is done now. Only one section to fit in and a couple of patches then done.
Soon I will be fitting the remaining fuel line, tank and throttle cable/pedal. Before this though I will give the floors ( drivers and passengers) a good rotary wire brush and coat with red lead.
The rain has been leaking in a bit and left lots of surface rust.
The comes the big fire up...........................yipeeeeee !!
I have a feeling that the electronic ignition and/or the immobiliser fitted will cause me a few headaches though. Wiring and fault finding/understanding is not one of my strong points.

Ohh......I almost forgot. I did three days as a traffic census officer directly after the exams so I have a little extra cash. Not much though as I have spent some on a new pair of walking boots.
Yes I know its a little sad, but walkings free, it get me healthy and why not use the peak district since I'm/we are only 15 minutes away.

I will post pictures when the above stuff is done and I've given it a celebratory drive up/down the culdesac.