So, the front sidelights work from the switch as they should.
But and it's a big but, the car won't start. Not so much as a click, tick, grunt or whine.
Just a deafening silence. And, the front lights plus indicators are all on permanently.
I have been checking and maybe fiddling with the ignition relay and starter relay. It seems I have an extra brown/white wire at the
Just look at the mess of spaghetti. And I still have an errant brown and errant green wire near the coil.
I hope I've not fried the internals of the coil or relay.
I took the opportunity to link up wifeys car with a full battery, not that it made any difference.
I cannot understand why the indicators are on, FFS they are on different circuit.
I'm beginning to think I'm in over my head as I've had about for days of staring at the wiring diagram, testing continuity, checking connections and sŵapping wires as per advance auto wire diagram.
So any comments or advice would be massively appreciated, even better pop round my place and help.
Even wifey is getting somewhat irate at me spending so much time on it and not cutting the grass etc.
Not posting any more till I've made some progress.
There, that's me throwing toys out of the pram.
I did trim my beard though, time for wine and spotify to try and improve the mood