Monday, April 17, 2006

Some progress at last

Well time to report some good news at long last.
The restoration has moved forward somewhat thanks largely to an early morning leap out of bed. The kids were up early ( 7 ish) on my first days hol (Good Fri)
so I made a hearty breakfast for us all and set off down to the bottom of the garden by clearing out the shed and unearthing around the shed of old dead leaves and unknown things.
I really hate clearing up the leaves as there's always lots of worms and slimy creatures scuttling away to darkness. The 10 kg bag of chicken manure pellets didn't
help either. It had a plastic bag over it and a half housebrick.
I know why now.
At some point the lid had broken and since it was to be left outside a bag placed over it, however water had got in.
Got in big time, and it was supporting a whole new life culture of maggots, worms and other things.......All swimming in 10 kg worth of the smelliest liquid Sh*t ever. ( very good for the garden though.....but not mine, sorry ours)
I had to get the wife to move it further away from the shed area so I could carry on working. Smells are not my strong point ! Sorry don't do foul smells.
So, all non relevant things banished to on side destined for the dump-it site
and the rest, well..................How the hell is it all going to fit back in the shed ?
It was like Dr Who's tardis. Could this stuff really all come from Inside the shed ?
More ruthless discarding and several re-arranges of inside and there it was.
Loads 'o' rooooom.
Still a strong smell of Sh*t though.
Then another Idea. Wrap the tub in a strong black refuse sack and tie up tight.
thereby stopping said foul smell ruining garden and scenic tranquil atmosphere.
Smell all gone ( tub will be magically inserted into wheelie bin next bin day)
A more than slight improvement actually that would allow at least 3 or 4 boxes and trim bits into the shed.
Yipeee !!! Action stations restoration.
removed Right wing in less than 15 minutes ( It took nearly four weeks for the Left)
Admittedly most of the work had been done in a fit of frustration at the spinning nuts of the left wing.
Removed fuel tank after wrestling with only one rounded nut which I had to drill out.
This was a bit scary as it was the nut nearest the fuel filler hose inside the boot.
Today up early and drained oil ( wifey did not see this, good job a some has been deposited on drive) the old cat litter tray came in useful for once.
Emptied water....sorry coolant system. Removed radiator and hoses.
Removed oil cooler and some pipes.
Only bad news is that I broke the top hose connection on the oil cooler matrix.
Too much brute force and a cheap aluminium housing.
I think I can grind, weld and hammer to my hearts content now !!!!!
............If only I knew what I was doing...................

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