Apologies for the delay in posting any news and events over the last few months.
Its been a very busy time with work, holidays, sunshine and family getting most of my attention. I'll have to be brief here too as my laptop keeps freezing up.
Three times I've posted wit and wisdom today only for it to be lost in cyberspace.
The title refers to the castle rail sill section finally off at last. Albeit in about seventy small pieces. It was achieved with brute force and ignorance and then a little intelligence and maturity.
After being stumped for so long on how the section was attached to the underside of the floor I decided to use the brush attachment in the drill and clean the inside sill bit.
Lo and behold.............semblances of spotwelds. Trouble is I buggered up the spotweld drill trying to sharpen it with the angle grinder. So hence the brute force and ignorance bit with a bolster chisel and medium claw hammer.
I eventually bought a new spot weld brill bit and here's a story to tell of the ordeal.
I was in Sheffield one midday between customer visits. A town I know well as I was born and bred there. I thought since I'm in the east end ( the grimy Industrial part full of every type of factory and service industry) I'll buy a drill bit.
Well..................................What a performance. I must have visited eight tool hire shops/engineers supplies/cutting tool specialists/tool shops and not one had one.
Well. actually Cromwell tools did but not the type I wanted. I bought it any way.
Some shops had no idea what a spot weld brill bit was !!! In Sheffield of all places. The home of steel and steel processing. The land of welding sheets and machining, railway parts and Iraq gun barrel's, inventor of stainless steel, cutlery and nickel plating and all things engineering.
I used said drill bit and it worked a treat. It was still hard work upside down drilling at only half arms length, hair and eyes, face and mouth full of tiny MG particles. Even the sunshine made it difficult as I had to lay flat face up half looking at the dark/black sill half looking into bright sky. Still the key to it was :-
a/. clean the surface thououghly before starting
b/. use the correct tools
c/. Don't give up, its often easier than you imagine
The photo shows the sills with a good view of the large hole I cut out ready to repair with the MIG welder.
Yes........................I'm sorry I should have told you earlier. I bought it on E-bay ( again)
for £60 and it works a treat. The guy even threw in a large sheet of 1mm thick steel too.
I'm currently scheming on how to buy an Auto-helmet.
guffaw & snigger............................Its that word and my base sense of humor.
Anyways. I have to repair the small holes in the footwell and front footwell fascia before attempting the sills. It will be a good opportunity to practice welding in less critical areas.
By the way I have a huge repair section for the cut away area and the inside floor from the nice chap in Doncaster where I bought the sills ( E-bay yet again)
I promise I will report more often from now on especially since I'm likely to become more frustrated with welding.
FYI had a good hol in Spain with the extended family ( In-laws) several trips abroad with work like France and Sweden and France again.
Mini holiday in Belgium for the wifeys 50th ( weird people but fun place) but not seen Chris much due to hol overlap so will get humour injection on Friday night out this Friday...yipee.