The upturned flap on the castle rail is going to be tricky to repair. Its in good condition.
However, its the top most part of three layers of steel. The next layer is the front bulkhead ( rusty where cut away) and behind that is the upturned flap on the end of the inner sill.
Also another tricky part is the end of the membrane. I cut it away a bit and bent it out to investigate the inside.
I think I may replace the first two or three inches of this and it will allow prior access to the end flappy area.
In a fit and flurry of DIY we have re-painted the whole of the dining room.
Well, wifey started it.......all ar*e about face and in a terrible mess. Still credit to her she stuck in there and cried HELP when it got tough.
So, early last Saturday I got stuck in, moved shelves and heavy objects etc, and completed it by Sunday late lunchtime
Trouble is now though she's already planned another two rooms for the next few days, for the same treatment. Cunning devil has been saving it for my Hols without letting on. I'm sure it was all a scheme to keep me away from the MG. I think she knows how to make motor brushes wear and welding gas to evaporate ( witchcraft ?..... feminine intuition or just plain bad luck ?)
Considering I'm on holiday now for two weeks and spending them at home I can't see where the rest/relaxation is going to come................................Ha!! Wifey says...........spend a day in my shoes anyday you like Mr " I've had a long busy day at work, too tired to do DIY but enough energy to fiddle with your hobby" ( No....."hobby" is not a euphemism for that precious and rewarding universal boys toy we discovered in early teens)
Once that round of DIY is now complete I removed some more engine ancillaries and even had the foresight to "borrow" a large plastic storage box from work ( we specialise in machinery to print them so we have lots skulking around the factory)
It looks rather empty in there.
Whilst Wifey is still to the forefront this holiday I used some female logic on her !!
And guess what................................................................It worked.
As I explained how much the three part LH sills cost and my joy at not having to buy all three , hence SAVING on this part of the project, I can now go and buy another RH rear wing complete like last time, you remember dear, back in May, my birthday, when we had a fun day out together and visited the MG hive............
Yes dear, what fun that was............we'll go again soon. But not until you've finished all the decorating, spent time away in Chester next week on a shortened holiday, been to see your beloved team play with No 1 son, and with whats left you can buy all the panels you want.
Well it sort of worked. Lets get in the good books first then apply more tactics.
More soon.........Thanks for the link Rick