Well folks, apologies for not posting sooner. I've been busy !!
The MG progresses slowly but steadily, life continues and work, work busy busy.
Yipee.......College has finished. Yayyyyy.......ended up with 75 credits at level 3 and 15 at level two. Truth be told I should have got 90 at L3 but eased off when I was offered a place at University, already having the required amount. However,I did eventually manage a level 3 in Psychology at last.
Sadly the Sociology lecturer thinks I'm the student from hell, so no L3 in this subject.
All after me...........Do I care, ........do I $^?**!
Work has been very busy since March, with two trips to France and many more visits to the carbuncles of this sceptred isle.
Anyways back to the blog in hand. I last left you having prepared the rear wing for replacement. Well its on and looks great.
I also had to repair the inside of the "C" post in the corner. It took a lot of fiddling, grinding and even more welding of small patches but here it is. The bottom photo shows the tricky piece welded in, which as usual was ten times easier to do than I thought and pondered months over.
The inside was also very rusty and needed lots chopping out and rewelding in.
The finished results don't look pretty but hey, the're strong, rust free and covered up by all the trim.
I've decided on a new stratagey....................lets get the thing finished !!!
So, a two pronged attack, bodywork and engine. I have done lots and made some good progress on both. The only snag was the door, or more accurately the door hinge. Whilst repairing the front wing lower section i decided to remove the door. Bad move. Had to drill out the six screws holding it on. The the captive plate retainer gave up the ghost. i.e it was just not there only a faint brown apparition of where it used to be before the rust.
More in depth photos and discussions tomorrow ( hopefully ) now time and tide is with me.
Could we see a picture of the whole car matt r
Hey Paul - Great to see you posting again. Its nice to see how you have tackled this area... I also have a slight corrosion problem near the C pillar I need to sort out prior to welding a new rear wing (see http://mgphoton.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/100_7390.jpg). All the best, Rick
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