So a side project has always been to have the front and side driveway re-tarmac'd as well as making the front of the drive wider and a large flat garage base to the rear of the house. Since day one the MG has sat halfway down the drive behind the large driveway gates.
Well after 30 odd years the time has come, and boy has it. The lovely contractor paid us a visit to finalise details then came the bombshell, I can start it next week !!! it'll take just short of a week.......nearest other start date is late August.
I bit the bullet and said " next week please". This sent wifey into a flat spin of panic mode full Tilt.
Plants to uproot, stumps to level, boxes to move, storage Keeter to empty and move, find new temporary places for some plants, order new fencing and paint, repair current fencing on driveway.
''Twas only hard labour for me but for wifey It meant making decisions, something she avoids at all costs.
Whilst I got on with the labour part of moving stuff off the drive and front, about 8 pots and 4 storage boxes ( full of all my tools and misc MG stuff ) she stood in the front garden wondering and prevaricating.
I did dig out 2 large plants then left her to her wondering.
The big thing for me was I had to get the MG looking like it was somewhat finished and would start, stop and be mostly legal and be moved each day off the driveway and onto the road.
Here is a view of my containers that's been my life for years and years.
Taking things in order I first had to mount front and rear number plates. I started the front last month before we decided on a contractor, but I left them loosely attached and poorly aligned. I left them like that. I needed to make a bracket to attach behind the bumper but in front of the " L" mounting brackets.
I decided to make one from the rear bumper too. The trial one I made a few weeks ago from a Fiat Panda sill section was too weak and flimsy.
I did find a large sheet of powder coated Aluminium 3mm thick left over from the new TV purchase so I utilised it, waste not want not, up cycling and all that.
And finally cut out with trusty jigsaw using only one blade. I took ages though.
And here are the mounted plates. Again not perfect, loosely held in position with bolts and nuts, and some ahhhem ( double sided carpet tape ) but workable.
Still got lots to tell as this was only a few days ago and only the first day of full tilt up to teatime.
So, more tomorrow...if I have the energy ,