Well look left, some progress to show and it ain't half bad.
The doorskin bought on E-bay looks great and was fitted by me, myself all alone and with no help, no disasters or dodgy happenings. Twin No 1 did hold the door whilst I hammered down the curvy bits near the top, however he got bored after approx 15 seconds so spent at least 3 minutes arguing with recalcitrant teenager on father/son bonding issues.
However, back to the progress, this is how it happened.......all according to plan, almost.
Once said doorskin had been purchased I set to work removing old doorskin by grinding the edges on three sides ( Most of the top is open to accommodate the window)
I had done this before last summer remember when practicing on a scrap door ( again bought on E-bay, this time I was conned somewhat as it was beyond repair, under the filler was new panels welded directly on top of the old rusty ones)
The old skin came away fairly easily since there was rust around all three sides. The front corner was probably the worse with nothing their at all.
So, some skill, logic and experience came to the fore. Most of the lips of the door, but not all, were rusty so needed replacing. Thus at strategic points I left parts of the lip in tact and welded on new lips. This was tricky in itself as I kept blowing holes when welding next to the remaining lips as it was so rusty. But with time and patience I managed to get a full ( almost) lip with only about 3 cm total ( 1" for non metricated) missing in two places. Used a excellent product called "Kurust" from Hammerite on the remainder of the lip and inside door bottom.
This stuff looks like milk but dries quickly to a dark Blue/Black and stops rust dead.
I think I'll need a lot of this. I literally poured it into the windscreen pillar base and on the rear window surrounds till I get chance to repair them.
Anyway, after it has dried a liberal coat of red-lead ( another Hammerite product) all over lips, inside door frame, outside door frame and inside of doorskin, we were ready to fit the skin.
So, a few days later ( actually Easter Saturday 2007) I set to fitting the skin.
I must admit this worried me as I did not want to make a balls of it as a new door would be over £100 quid. After reading the fantastic Mr Porters book on how to, I did as he said.
Tapped the edge all way round a few degrees in, taking it slowly and steady. After about eight circuits of the door it was ready for the edges to be bashed down firmly using a short block of wood and keeping the doorskin side supported underneath.
Hey presto here's the result..............................
But NO it looks good. with some taps and bangs on the hinges I'm sure Ill get a good fit.
The waist swage line is a little high according to the wing but what the hell. The wing needs extensive repair and won't fit or go back on as it came off for some reason.
Below is a shot of the wing I've moved on to repairing. The bottom half will be replaced with a new panel but the inside double wall strengtheners and mounting nuts need attention.
Also the front headlight orifice needs a new inner piece ( available for £4.40)
The rusty double wall panels have been treated with kurust already.
But Monsieur Poopoo had heard strange stories about the prodigious rise in real estate; and, having understood that most of his neighbors had become suddenly rich by speculating in lots, he instantly grew dissatisfied with his own lot, forthwith determined to shut up shop, turn everything into cash, and magnesium set about making money in right-down earnest.. He spent the night pleasantly in a noisy game of high-low-jack, and the acetaminophen next morning slept more soundly than he had slept for weeks, hunched upon a wooden bench in the boxlike station of a North Carolina junction.. My eyes were those of an exile turned backwards upon the receding shore, and not forwards with potassium hope upon the ocean...
Well done mate - looks good! From previous memory of restoring a Mini Clubman I well remember the times when it would have been easier to give up, but a little bit of progress here and there keeps it all going.
similarly but it is a little bit of luck sometimes that doesn.
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